


Now a leading force in the Gaming Server Provider (GSP) arena, ServerMiner is a host that runs a specialized service.

It’s delivering a hosting solution carefully tailored to its gamer clients’ needs. Minecraft admins and players find that extreme gaming is truly made simple when opting for ServerMiner as their provider. Starting out, their business was made on the premise of understanding the gamer community and technical implications of what kind of experience a good game server provides to gamers. They joined the technical side of it and the user experience side of it, and wrapped it up in an all-encompassing easy touse solution. This has set this business on its way to success.

Diligent in its aim to satisfy the customer, ServerMiner has made a number of wise decisions; from choosing a reliable network provider and including powerful features such as unique control panel for self-management or 7 day back-up, as well as educational videos, this host proves it means business.


The gaming community has its specific needs that usually only a gamer would understand. James from ServerMiner has understood what a high performance lag-free server means for the players, with some custom tailored perks such as the 7 day backup solution and more.

As the company has set out to make the powerful global platform for hosting thousands of super-fast and reliable game servers, it started on a VPS and as it grew, it needed more options.

This host was on a lookout for a Tier1 network provider with low latency and high quality bandwidth offering powerful yet affordable enterprise hardware. There was a major requirement they were in great need of: 24/7 expert support with an on premise engineering staff ready to assist and remove any obstacles that may appear immediately. Past experience has taught them this was a must.

Quick provisioning, and fast registration are key factors for a successful game server. But, none of that may mean to the client as much as fast and responsive support will. No client likes to sit around waiting hours or even days for an answer, and gamers even less so. In the Minecraft community, saving their “world” might mean saving their world, literally.


For ServerMiner, this meant having SLA-backed uptime and efficient 24/7 support as a backbone of its business so they can fast provision, but also devote more time to truly educate, support and serve their clients.

ServerMiner picked phoenixNAP as a Tier 1 Network provider with low latency and high quality bandwidth and only hosted on powerful enterprise hardware. This made it possible to offer blazing fast speeds and unmatched reliability to its customers.


Understanding the urgency, while ensuring the highest uptime at all times and providing a superior network, phoenixNAP became a valuable partner to support this hosting business. phoenixNAP makes sure the servers are highly secure; putting DDOS attacks concerns to rest.

In addition, phoenixNAP’s team of experts has been able to provide responsiveness and guidance for all technical challenges, thus making easy troubleshooting and a 20-minute ticket response guarantee a standard at ServerMiner.

Starting hosting, it was not easy to set aside a part of our revenue to get a dedicated server, but it’s all truly worth it, because service is very consistent and the uptime guarantee keeps the clients and helps the initial growth!

James Dixon, owner and founder, ServerMiner


    Serverminer Ltd
    Heathfield, East Sussex, United Kingdom
    Game Server Provider (GSP) providing super-fast, reliable hosting to global niche clientele
    This premium GSP set out to create the
    ultimate global platform for hosting fast and reliable game servers. High uptime
    and top-notch support at bay was an imperative, to support rapid growth and
    specific gamer audience needs.
    Bare metal Servers with SLA-backed uptime SLA and expert support
    A ServerMiner has increased its customer base multi-fold in only a few years, reaching 40,000 customers and counting. It supports a worldwide audience with 30 plus nodes around the world, relying on phoenixNAP’s redundant network and its proficient support team.

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Find Out How Now a Leading Force in the Gaming Server Provider (GSP) Arena, ServerMiner is a Host That Runs a Specialized Service

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